Sunday 26 June 2016

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Adventures iiiin spaaaace!

Fans of Arion Games' Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG and science fiction adventures will be delighted to learn that the company have launched a Kickstarter to fund production of Stellar Adventures, the SF version of the AFF rules.

Due for publication later this year, this version will support all kinds of SF, from large Starships exploring unknown space, to small traders movings from spaceport to spaceport, to marines investigating ruined alien spacecraft, and even cyberpunk.

Backers of the Kickstarter will also be invited into the playtest area of the Arion Games forums at the end of the campaign to make sure that the game is as good as it can be!

The book will also be available through the Arion Games webstore in due course, but to get in early, visit the Kickstarter project page here and pledge your support today!

Arion Games are also pleased to announce that they are now able to sell PDFs of the Advanced Fighting Fantasy (Second Edition) core book. This PDF is available directly from RPGNow.

This development also means that from now on Arion Games can provide a free copy of the PDF whenever a customer buys a print copy of the book from they webstore. So there has never been a better time to get into the game if you are not already a fan.

Monday 20 June 2016


If you missed the BBC Radio 4 documentary about interactive fiction - called SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK - that was inspired by the Fighting Fantasy series, then you'll be pleased to hear that you can still listen to it by following this link.

You can also play SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK as if it were an interactive fiction gamebook here, and reveal some sound byte secrets that don't appear in the broadcast documentary.

Friday 17 June 2016

The Beta Test of Firetop Mountain

Tin Man Games' brand-new adaptation of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's classic The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (that was successfully funded via Kickstarter last year) is set to enter the Beta testing phase this summer (that is if you live in the northern hemisphere, or the teeming plains of Allansia, otherwise it's this winter) and will appear on Steam on 26th August 2016. The game will also release on iOS and Android platforms later this year.

Saturday 4 June 2016

The Warlock: A New Adventure

They say all good things must come to an end, and the world of Fighting Fantasy is no different. Jamie Fry – the redoubtable Warlock himself – is relinquishing his duties as FF webmaster so that he can focus on his Fighting Fantasy Collectors’ Guide. Jamie became webmaster in August 2011, and has been diligent in keeping the website up to date with FF news, and also developing the site’s fan features such as readers’ art and amateur adventures. But fear not, a new webmaster will be announced in the very near future, and with it a new look website. Not only that, Jamie will continue to be involved with the website as a regular contributor with his Collectors’ Guide which can be accessed via The most recent edition is incredibly comprehensive and is a fantastic achievement. He has discovered FF items which even we had forgotten about! He is keen to continue adding rare FF items to the Collectors’ Guide, and the FF website will continue to support him in his endeavours. If you have not done so already, download a copy of the Collectors’ Guide here. Those of you who have met Jamie at events and conventions will have found him extremely personable and knowledgeable about all things FF. What Jamie doesn’t know about value and rarity of FF books and merchandise isn’t worth knowing!

We would like to thank Jamie for his support and dedication to FF, and for all his hard work on the website over the last 5 years. We wish him all the best with the Collectors’ Guide and look forward to reading the updates on We’ll be announcing his successor very soon. Watch this space…

Steve Jackson               Ian Livingstone