Friday 26 November 2021

What's in a name?

The Fighting Fantasy gamebooks are memorable not only for their monsters and exciting plots, but also for the imaginative names Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone came up with for important characters and, of course, the villains who populate their adventures.

Yaztromo, Balthus Dire, Zharradan Marr, Zanbar Bone, and, more recently, Urzle Ironface.

Urzle Ironface, by Robert Ball.

As you approach the main gates, a giant bare-chested man with bulging muscles steps out from behind the jail to stand in your way. His body is covered in jagged scars, and he makes no attempt to hide the silver scorpion pendant hanging on a silver necklace around his neck. He is wearing an iron helmet which completely covers his face and he is armed with a large battle-axe and shield. "I've been waiting for you," he growls slowly in a deep voice.

Without giving too much away, in case you haven't already read Ian Livingstone's latest Fighting Fantasy adventure, Urzle Ironface is one of the characters you can encounter in Assassins of Allansia.

Of course, with a name like that, it is hardly surprising that he has inspired artists who work in not just two dimensions, but also those who work in three.

Urzle Ironface, by KrisztiĆ”n Balla (from the Hungarian language edition of Assassins of Allansia.)

Urzle Ironface, by Dan Mark of Atlantis Miniatures...

...and as painted by Paul Cooke of Pandemonium Miniatures.

Do you have a favourite character, good or evil, from the Fighting Fantasy gamebook series? If so, why not let us know in the comments below?

Friday 19 November 2021

Have you checked out Fighting Fantasy Classics lately?

Ready your sword, pack your provisions and prepare to embark upon quests in which YOU are the hero! Choose what happens at every turn of the page with Fighting Fantasy Classics – text-based roleplaying adventures remastered.

Fighting Fantasy Classics is published by Australian video games developer Tin Man Games and currently features 12 of your favourite FF adventures as playable apps. They are...

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Citadel of Chaos
The Forest of Doom
City of Thieves
Deathtrap Dungeon
Island of the Lizard King
Caverns of the Snow Witch
House of Hell
Temple of Terror
Trial of Champions
Creature of Havoc

If you've not tried Fighting Fantasy Classics, download it today and...

Friday 12 November 2021

Fighting Fantasy Hoodies

You may remember that back in August the Warlock announced the launch of a range of licensed Fighting Fantasy T-shirts from from Seven Squared.

Well they have now been joined by both Fighting Fantasy sweatshirts and hoodies. The sweatshirts are available in a range of colours - including orange crush, burgundy, olive green, and royal blue.

The hoodies come in ash, combat green, and storm grey. As with the T-shirts, you can either select one of the pieces of reimagined classic cover art, or the Fighting Fantasy logo, to adorn your branded apparel.

So get yourself over to the Seven Squared webshop now and select your 'armour.'

Friday 5 November 2021

Dragonmeet 2021

Of course, there was no Dragonmeet 2020, thanks to the COVID lockdown, and we really felt like we had missed out by not seeing everyone last December. However, you will be pleased to hear that Fighting Fantasy will be at Dragonmeet 2021.

Dragonmeet is taking place at the Novotel Hammersmith ​, in London, on Saturday 4th December 2021. The Gaming Hall will be open from 9:00am-11:30pm, while the Trade Hall will be open from 10:00am-6:00pm.

Fighting Fantasy will be in the Trade Hall and Ian Livingstone will be at the convention. As well as signing books at the FF stand, he will also be giving a talk as part of this year's seminar stream.

Tickets for Dragonmeet are on sale now, and you can keep up to date with developments here.