Thursday 31 October 2019

Thursday 24 October 2019

Fighting Fantasy at Spiel Essen 2019

If you are visiting Spiel 2019 in Essen this weekend, make sure you stop by Stand 6K121 in Hall 6. Atlantis Miniatures are there, promoting their Fighting Fantasy Legends miniatures range, and Ian Livingstone is joining them at the event. He even has a few copies of the limited edition hardback of Assassins of Allansia to sell, as well as some copies of Board Games in 100 Moves.

Friday 18 October 2019

Fighting Fantasy Legends - 48 hours in!

It's hard to believe that the Fighting Fantasy Legends Kickstarter by Atlantis Miniatures has only been live for 48 hours, and yet in that time it has raised almost £30,000, having achieved 243% of its original funding goal!

This means that a host of new miniatures have been unlocked, including a pair of Skeleton Warriors, Klash the Chaos Warrior (from The Port of Peril), and new sculpt of the Quag-Shugguth (from the same book), Baron Sukumvit, Lord Carnuss and Lord Azzur, and two of the assassins from Assassins of Allanisa.

Don't forget, on Sunday 20th October at 2:00pm BSTGeekGirlBookWorm will be hosting a paint-a-long of the new Lord Azzur miniature on Twitch. Not only will she be giving the miniature away, once it's painted, but she will also be giving away a signed copy of Ian Livingstone's newest Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Assassins of Allansia!

The Fighting Fantasy Legends Kickstarter campaign still has the best part of three weeks left to run, but don't delay - pledge today*!

* If you haven't already done so!

Wednesday 16 October 2019

The Fighting Fantasy Legends Kickstarter is now live!

It's the moment you've been waiting for, especially if you weren't able to attend Fighting Fantasy Fest 3 at the end of August.

Fighting Fantasy Legends, by Atlantis Miniatures, is now funding on Kickstarter. The campaign is running for three weeks and has a funding target of £12,000.

A host of familiar Fighting Fantasy faces are being turned into three dimensional figures, including the sadistic dungeon-designer Baron Sukumvit, the witch-born sorcerer Zharradan Marr, and the Night Prince himself - Zanbar Bone!

Baron Sukumvit

Zharradan Marr

Zanbar Bone

Not only that, but on Sunday 20th October, at 2:00pm BST, GeekGirlBookWorm will be hosting a paint-a-long of the new Lord Azzur miniature on Twitch. Not only will she be giving the miniature away, once it's painted, but she will also be giving away a signed copy of Ian Livingstone's newest Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Assassins of Allansia!

Atlantis Miniatures are planning on producing a total of 41 models and there are all sorts of rewards on offer to backers of the Kickstarter, including some that will only be available through the crowdfunding campaign, and some that will only be available to those people who pledge their support early on.

So don't delay - pledge today!

Win a set of Limited Edition Deathtrap Dungeon posters!

EGX is the UK biggest gaming show and is running from Thursday 17th - Sunday 20th October as the ExCeL Centre in London.

If you're going along make sure you visit the Branching Narrative stand and sign up to their mailing list to be in with a chance of winning one of only four sets of very limited edition Deathtrap Dungeon A3 posters, featuring Iain McCaig's original illustrations for Ian Livingstone's classic adventure!

Monday 14 October 2019

Fighting Fantasy Fest 3 TV

Top author, scriptwriter and journalist Jason Arnopp has posted a video review of his time at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3, which you can watch right here.

Not only that, but Goblin Minion James Aukett has started to upload the video recordings he made at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3 of the Strand A talks and panels, which you can watch here.

Friday 11 October 2019

Fighting Fantasy at the Con+2 Convention

ConPlus is an annual online 24-hour tabletop RPG convention which is raising funds for renowned charity The Butterfly Project. This year's convention, Con+2, will take place on 11th October - 13th October 2019 (UTC time).
340 Prizes from 57 sponsors across the world of gaming are all being given away for free to Con+2 attendees. To win prizes all you have to do is tune in to their 24-hour World's Biggest RPG Prize Giveaway stream on YouTube and take part in the chat. You will be able to find the stream hosted here.

The livestream begins on Saturday, 12th October, at midday UTC (1:00pm in the UK, 2:00pm in Europe, 8:00am East Coast America, and 5:00am on the West Coast), although all times are approximate and subject to change.

One of the prizes that will be of interest to Fighting Fantasy fans is a signed City of Thieves Lord Azzur Miniature, from Atlantis Miniatures, and with the blister pack signed by Ian Livingstone himself. To win the signed blister and miniature, you will need to tune in to the Con+2 livestream at 18:30 UTC (which will be 7:30pm in the UK).

Fighting Fantasy in Space!

This week is World Space Week, so it seems like an apposite time to revisit a blog first posted last year about Fighting Fantasy's forays beyond the final frontier.

I wonder if anyone has ever taken a Fighting Fantasy gamebook to the International Space Station...

Saturday 5 October 2019

Fighting Fantasy Signing at Forbidden Planet

Four weeks from today, on Saturday 2nd November 2019, from 2:00-3:00pm, Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson with be at the Forbidden Planet Megastore in London, signing the latest Fighting Fantasy releases from Scholastic Books.

Assassins of Allansia, by Ian Livingstone

Are you tough enough to survive attacks by Allansia's most dangerous and deadly assassins? After accepting a challenge to survive on Snake Island, a nightmare unfolds when a bounty is placed on your head. From being the hunter, you become the hunted. Now you must find the Assassins before they find you. But who are they? Where are they? Everybody you meet could be an assassin. Trust no-one…

Sorcery! 2: Kharé - Cityport of Traps, by Steve Jackson

Far away in the land of Kakhabad, chaos is brewing... The evil Archimage has stolen the precious Crown of Kings, intending to use its power to further his tyrannous ends. In this second book of Steve Jackson's Sorcery! series, YOU must brave the city of Kharé, where every doorway or alley conceals sudden danger. You will need all your wits about you to avoid the traps and survive the unimaginable horrors ahead... Be careful, for nothing in Kahkabad is quite as it seems...

Caverns of the Snow Witch, by Ian Livingstone

Deep within the Crystal Caves of the Icefinger Mountains, the dreaded Snow Witch is plotting to bring on a new ice age and take over the world. Will YOU be able to stop her?

So put the date in your diary, and maybe we'll see you there...

Friday 4 October 2019

The Fighting Fantasy Legends are coming to Kickstarter

Atlantis Miniatures are launching their long-awaited Kickstarter to produce Fighting Fantasy Legends models at 1:00pm BST on Wednesday 16th October 2019. The campaign will run for three weeks and has a funding target of £12,000.

The intention is for there to be 41 miniatures in total. This includes the 21 creatures and characters sculpted by Damien Sparkes, and the Lord Azzur miniature sculpted by Dan Mark, which were on sale at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3, plus another 19 new figures.

Included among the new sculpts are everyone's favourite sailing companion, everyone's favourite barbarian, not everyone's favourite wizard, two Troll guards everyone loves to hate, and everyone's favourite fiendish dungeon designer.

Keep checking for more news, regarding rewards and limited edition items, and start saving those Gold Pieces!