Tuesday 14 February 2017

Freeway Fighter Comic variant covers announced!

Titan Comics have revealed the three variant covers that will appear on Issue #1 of Ian Livingstone's FREEWAY FIGHTER.

Cover A is by series artist and colourist, Simon Coleby and Len O'Grady, and really sets out the stand for the four-part mini-series.

Cover B is by Ben Oliver, a British comics artist who has worked for 2000AD on Judge Dredd - as well as providing art for The Authority, The Losers, and Ultimate X-Men - and shows a gun-toting Bella De La Rosa, the series' protagonist.

Cover C is by Orlando Arocena, a Mexican-Cuban-American artist who brings his own unique style to his cover image, which even hints at an earlier Fighting Fantasy gamebook.

Written by critically-acclaimed writer Andi Ewington (Just Cause 3, The Six) in collaboration with original creator Ian Livingstone and artist Simon Coleby, FREEWAY FIGHTER will take you on a furious, four-issue road trip like no other, speeding from Titan Comics in May 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Love these covers. Im looking forward to owning and reading every single one. Great job to all involved!
